
If you are looking for affordable accommodation in Spain, here you can find some useful websites

Here you can see the location of each province in the map

Let me give you some tips, the south and the east area (Andalusia, Murcia and Comunidad Valenciana) is very warm whole year, the people is very friendly with the foreigners. In the other hand the north of Spain is more cold and the weather is similar to UK, the character of the people is more serious and the prices of everything is more expensive.
The price of rent in Barcelona and Madrid, also in the north area is quite high if you would like to live in the centre of city.
Among the students, the smaller cities such Valladolid, Salamanca, Sevilla or Granada are very popular due the cheerful lifestyle and prices more affordables.

    1 comment:

    1. Check out also eGetinnz if you are still looking for affordable accommodation in Spain.
